Sunday, March 10, 2013

Museum of Modern Art-Free on Friday

I went to the Museum of Modern Art with a friend last night, it's free on Friday after 2 pm. Saw some nice artworks, it was my first time visiting the MoMA. Definitely a nice place to check out if you are visiting New York. Lines for checking in bags are long, so I don't suggest bringing your backpack if it is not necessary.
Below are some arts from the museum:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Egg and Cheese Tacos

Made egg and cheese tacos for breakfast. Flavored the eggs with a bit of soy sauce while cooking it, when it's done, layered a few pieces of cheese on the eggs and let them melt. Finally, assemble the egg/cheese with soft and warm tacos :) I made two different kind of flavors, ketchup and ranch. You can also top it with dice tomatoes, onions or any veggies you like. It's really simple, make it however you like it.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bridal Hairstyles

Looking through a site randomly and saw some nice bridal hairstyles. Below are some of the photos: